Class Testimonial-Reiki I, II, III Training and Attunement Hey Gang!
At the strong urging of one of my students (more like a bigger shove in a different direction), I began teaching and attuning people to Reiki energy! The Universe was calling and my intuition knew it was time, as one of my mission statements is to empower others with self healing tools. (As I often say, DIY Healing!) As a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, I practiced reiki for years before deciding to finally teach it. It's been an amazing journey, as my first round of Reiki Masters have taken their final class! I'm now opening another series of Reiki classes. Classes ARE limited due to my business energy work business. And this is your invitation to join our next amazing group! This is a personal development course like no other. Not only do you receive information on Reiki as well as complimentary healing tools, you also receive an attunement at each level, which opens your intuition.
Then this is your class. And you can find out more by texting me: 920-203-5050 and setting up a time to chat! This class is not just for those who are interested in doing Reiki on a more professional level. Yes, this is for you guys too, no doubt. But this class will benefit people who want to level up in their own emotional/mental/physical healing. It is not for people who are happy just where they are at in life. These classes are for people who want MORE out of life! I have written my own manuals and teach from the body of my own experience. 150+ pages of LOVE and INFORMATION! Countless hours have been spent constructing a fantastic class to help people go further in their life with more ease, less pain. T.W. in Menasha had this to say about my Reiki classes: "I am already attuned to Reiki but wanted to take Sarah’s classes because I wasn’t using the energy. What I received was Reiki and so much more! Sarah goes deep and generous with her teaching. Not only am I using my Reiki now on myself, family and clients, but I’ve sharpened my intuition drastically! And I have confidence in how to use it. Sarah is an amazing teacher. Her classes offered are so much above the other reiki teachers classes." If you feel called to this class, you, my friend, are a seeker. You know there's more out there to learn and explore. You know there's more than just our own thoughts...that there is a source of healing and inspiration there for us to harness. There's something a whole lot bigger that can help us. These classes will help you tap into that energy. My next Reiki I begins again December 1st and 2nd. 8:30am-1pm each day. A total of 9 hours of training, practice and teaching. Reiki II and Reiki III will be offered in 2023 (likely early May and last September respectively dates TBD) so you can choose to go all the way to III master level, and most do. Investment is $695 per level. But if you purchase two or more, it’s $495 per level for all three levels! Sign up period is on NOW. Pay in full or payment plan with credit card on file is available! *$200 down now holds your slot for the Dec 1 class! *$400 down holds your Reiki I & II Slot. Going ALL THE WAY to Master! Pay $1485 now OR do $250 a month for 6 months! Watch the video from one of my most recent grads. She did all three levels and had lots of good thing to say. I have to say, these classes are amazing! They are unlike anything you have ever done. And they are PACKED full of information, healing goodies, and LOVE! Ready for your next adventure, seeker? Text me: 920-203-5050 for a time to talk and sign up. Sending you all the love, Sarah OX
It's LIVE NOW! Kick off your New Year right. Small investment, BIG healing package!
NOW through 8pm Sunday only. RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW! Click Here: Let's make 2021 the best year yet! (or at least WAY better than 2020!) Shake off negative vibes and learn tools to elevate your life! Negative vibes affect us HUGE in every area of life. When someone feels stuck, sick, unhappy. Yup, you can bet negative vibes are at the ROOT of the issue. I personally know how this low-level vibes can block us from our progress. Enjoy a block-busting 90 minutes and set yourself up for a great 2021! GET CLEAR IN THE NEW YEAR! January 16th 9am-10:30am BLACK FRIDAY priced just $27 smackeroos!!! GO HERE NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT! Click Here: SO much yummy goodness in a tiny package, you won't believe it!!!! -We’ll kick off the event with a custom, guided mediation for getting clear and dumping the junk. Healing, right out of the gate. -Discover my 3-step process for getting clear and staying clear. -Learn DIY tips for keeping you and your space clear and peaceful. Easy, inexpensive things you can do on your own to protect and clear your energy. -And learn more about energy methods that HEAL, remove blocks, and help you live free and CLEAR! (You'll also receive a PDF to use a guide throughout our event.) I've taught this before in person to a packed room. Now COVID is your opportunity to do it quick and easy over ZOOM! (If you took this before from me in February, it will be similar with some added new tips and meditation!) GO HERE NOW! Click Here: Nothing to loose here! Only clarity to gain. Join us I think of negative vibes like a bucket. This world, this life, is pretty good at filling it up. Sometimes, we don't even notice. We forget to empty our bucket. Lack of self care, negative patterns of thinking, changes in life circumstances all contribute. And our bucket overflows.
I pause and give great thanks for the energetic clarity I enjoy today. Without it, I would have faced great illness in my life. I marvel at the ease with which I handle life's problems. So much strength, increased happiness, and better health are results of letting go of negative vibes. My clarity is being tested hard lately. While no one is perfect, I'm passing the test, thankfully. I have less negative vibes in my bucket around. No longer do I carry around a full load. So when stuff happens, I don't spill. Having a less full bucket, having greater clarity, means that even in dark times, I can see the light. I don't hang my head for long. Clarity allows me to rise up even when I feel low. Clarity means that even in the midst of life's greatest challenges, I can find something to be thankful for. And so can you. Often times, we just need to remember to look. When we practice being thankful, it becomes habit. And we can say to the universe we are thankful in so many ways! A few of mine today were: -Stopping to appreciate small children as they bounce, chatter, giggle, and run through the crosswalk, as the crossing guard smiles and protects. -Taking time to speak slowing and kindly to the customer service rep on the phone who is doing her best to help me. (whenever I feel myself racing, I shift to slow. savor, appreciate.) -Noticing my husbands facial expressions change as he talks on the phone to his brother. When he says to him, "I love you." -Thinking, WOW, I have a really neat crab apple tree in my front yard! I notice that a lot. -By having seconds at dinner! I tried a new recipe. It was good and healthy too! -Appreciating the smiling faces on my zoom calls today. I love people's smiles so much! -Almost every evening it seems, I can appreciate the color of the sky, as my husband does so mindfully in this picture from early fall. I was reminded today with a client as the words just poured out from the past: Our only real job is to hold the light here on earth. If that is so, then being thankful contributes to our clarity, allowing our light to shine more brightly. On the flip side clearing our negative vibes first also helps us to be more thankful, naturally. What a wonderful cycle we can build on. It only gets better. I'm thankful for you, too. Have the happiest of thanksgivings. Sick and tired of the struggle???? The negative stuff that weighs you down and prevents you from living a full and happy life? Suffering from stress, anxiety, emotionally challenges? Maybe financial abundance is hard to achieve, or achievable but WAAAYYY to hard? Or, it’s relationships where something is wrong. There’s friction. Or someone is missing from your life. A partner perhaps is hard to find.
Or, if you’re like me, you struggled long and hard with physical ailments for which there was no lasting cure. WHY is does our path feel so HARD and PAINFUL sometimes?!?! ONE ANSWER: Negative Vibes! Are you totally ready to get some new tools and find some creative new answers to your problems???? Then join me. January 16th for an event that will put you on the path for greater clarity in 2021. GET CLEAR In the New Year! A LIVE ZOOM event! Saturday, January 16th 9-10:30am CST I struggled for SO long. Not realizing that the negative vibes were affecting me. In EVERY single area of my life. I teetered on the edge of SEVERE illness: MS, Cancer, stroke and who knows WHAT else!?! I struggled DAILY: Brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, chronic back pain, intense work stress. When the heck was life gonna be better?!? Can you relate in some way? Life CAN and DOES get better! When I got clear, and dropped the negative vibes, things started to change... I got crystal clear on what I wanted in my life. I set my boundaries, discovered new career opportunities, strengthened my relationships, improved my health, and UPPED my happiness! Take that FIRST STEP to getting your clarity, and getting your life BACK. Start off your New Year CLEAR with good vibes that set you up for greater peace, happiness and success! Join my LIVE Zoom Event! Saturday, January 16 at 9am CST. So much goodness in 90 minutes, and it’s ONLY $27! (A-Yup, that’s a special Black Friday price!) This deal, this price, goes live at 8pm on Thanksgiving through Sunday at 8pm (Watch your email folks!) We’ll kick off the event with a custom, guided mediation for getting clear and dumping the junk. Healing for you, right out of the gate. Discover my 3-step process for getting clear and staying clear. Learn DIY tips for keeping you and your space clear and peaceful. Easy, inexpensive things you can do on your own to protect and clear your energy. And learn more about energy methods that HEAL, remove blocks, and help you live free and CLEAR! GET CLEAR IN THE NEW YEAR! Because if you’re not clear, the path is a lot harder. Get clear, move forward, and make 2021 the best, yet. Let’s do this. OX P.S. Any questions? Super excited and for sure wanna join? Reply to this email so I make DARN SURE you the offer. ![]() Peeps! Yes, it’s been a LONG time since you’ve heard from me. SO much has happened during this quarantine. As many of you know, I taught yoga on Zoom up until the summer. However, my energy work business got so busy, I had to make a choice. Unfortunately, teaching yoga on a weekly basis just couldn’t continue. Yet...I miss so many of you and the times we had together with our yoga. At the same time, I feel blessed to still be seeing many of you for energy work. So, I think it’s time, to come back together. Maybe even in a bigger way than before! I’m offering US, an opportunity..... A LIVE Zoom Event! No, it won’t have yoga THIS time (in the future, I see it happening!) But it WILL have...
It’s all about getting YOU more CLEAR FOR THE NEW YEAR! (and who doesn’t want THAT!) ALL neatly packaged into 1, 90-minute LIVE Zoom event! Saturday, January 16th at 9am CST. More info is coming soon lovelies, so stay tuned! Because this sucker is gonna drop as a Black Friday special for a next-to-nothing price! For you, your friends and family. What a great gift this would make! Friends, we will be together again. We will share our energy. We will drop negative vibes and RISE in 2021. Are you with me? I hope so! Stay tuned. More deets coming your way! With SO MUCH Love, OX Bring it ON!!! Summer is my favorite time of year. I can't wait for her to arrive and I never want her to leave. She's my bestie. I love her! As do many of you. Enjoy her company for as long as you can. I posted this picture on my Facebook page, a simple shot of a simple pleasure. Just me and my girlfriend Summer having a chat. I marveled at the number of likes this little slice of life received. I didn't even say anything very motivational! Well, other than indicate that I was "in the moment". It occurred to me this struck a cord with so many people because they desire what this picture means: relaxation, vacation vibe, being in the moment, (okay and maybe the wine too!) Finding ways to live in the moment is sooo worth it! Right here, right now, is where all the good stuff lives, like peace, joy, and love. It's not in the past, it's not in the future. It's here, right now. And the only way to find these friends, is to slow down, pull yourself away from the demands of the world, the tugs of your ego, the driving force of the mind, and just be. Ahhhhhhhh..... If you want more peace, joy, and love in your life, find something calming you enjoy. What do you like to do? Craft? Walk? Sit by the campfire? Yoga? Meditation? Be quiet, be still, breath, and don't look for them. Just notice when peace, joy, and love creep their way in and pay you a visit. Then like old friends, embrace them! Sometimes, they feel so wonderful, that I get a tear in my eye. Let the tears come, the smiles spread across your face, the joy to rise up, the love to support and sustain you, and the peace that passes all understanding surround you. Bathe in this feeling for as long as you can. And bingo! You've just told the universe you want more of this. Message received. Good work! Cheers to you, to our three amigos, peace, joy and love, and big old hug to our girlfriend summer! May you be easy to find. May your stay with us be long. OX In other news....
I've been very busy helping people with healing energy work! Recently, some of you have reached out for a FREE 30-minute call to learn more. The offer still stands. If you are curious how I can help you with any number of health, emotional, mental and financial issues, let's talk! My business is really growing, and I'm helping many people outside of the area/out of state/out of country! Everything I offer is done over ZOOM! (Time efficient and germ-free alternative!) If you are interested, call/shoot me a text: 920-203-5050 ALSO... Check out my website for more details: I've been doing some upgrades here with the help of a wonderful web designer. It's coming along nicely! Hope all your projects too are successful. Namaste! ![]() I sure wish I understood the value of self love and what it really meant at a younger age. I would have been healthier and happier for sure. Self Love isn’t commonly taught in households and certainly not in schools. We are taught to be a perfect "A". As a result, we are stressed out and unaware that this is unhealthy, because we were programmed early on. I believe self love is an answer. I've gotten away from some of my self-love habits. This year, I'm returning to them and tweaking them. As I get busier with my energy work business (which I love so much!), I've made it a goal to do things that recharge and feed me more, everything from smoothies to pedicures to a few well-chosen pieces of clothing. I'm reminded that when I feel great, I show up so much better for others. My tank is full! (I even treated myself to a new laser printer and almost had tears in my eyes when I saw the first pretty printed page on beautiful paper!) So, what fills your tank? What have you gotten away from that you'd like to return to? What new something-something has been calling your name? Pause and consider this now but also a few times during the day. Sometimes, a salt bath or cooking a tasty meal does more to help you reach your life goals than sorting email. We need pause to feed ourselves good information and good food to thrive. We don't always have to be accomplishing. I know that when I'm only giving myself 5 to 10 minutes for a meal that I'm scheduling myself too tightly, and need to pause to literally feed myself, so I can do the things I need to do! Love reduces stress, cortisol (the stress hormone) and releases serotonin (the feel good hormone). The good news is that we don't have to wait for love to get these good chemicals, we can give it to ourselves. I recommend we do that daily, from the food and clothing we choose to the things we choose to say to ourselves to the precious time we devote to our own healing. You are worth it. And you are worthy. And you deserve it even if all your to-dos aren't done. Because, are they ever? Be your own Valentine. With Lots of Love OX P.S. We have class this week Tuesday at 9am but not for the next two weeks. See schedule below. And THEN, it's AMP UP YOUR ENERGY MINI RETREAT! Saturday Feb 29! If you haven't signed up, then do so this week! Yoga, Reiki Healing Meditation (written by yours truly), and information on how clear and protect your energy. SOOOOOOOO much love has been put into this seminar! I cannot wait! Register to win a free Reiki session and learn more about the healing benefits of Reiki and Spiritual Response Therapy. All this goodness, just $65! Bring a friend! A co-worker, family member, etc. Click on the link below to register and payment options: THANK YOU! ____________________________________ 2020 Rise Yoga Class Schedule Classes Taught By: Sarah Willett, Certified Yoga Teacher, Usui Reiki Master, SRT Practitioner Location: Christ the King Lutheran Church Sherwood Day/Time: Tuesday 9am Length: 1 hour Remaining Dates: Feb 11 Feb 18 (Off) Feb 25 (Off) Mar 3, 10, 17 Mar 24 (Off) March 31 (Off) April 7, 14 April 21 (Off) April 28, May 5, 12, 19 Drop in anytime: $15 |
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