Your Healing Is Important
I know this, because I’ve been there.
My own crazy, crooked path to healing my body, mind, and spirit took me through these therapies: Yoga, Reiki, and ultimately Spiritual Response Therapy/Spiritual Restructuring (SRT/SpR).
Chronic back pain, allergies, plantar fasciitis, anxiety, migraines, dry skin, teenager issues, and more were all made better or eliminated through these therapies, especially my work with SRT/SpR which I and my clients find to be extremely effective.
I walk, the walk.
It all began when I left my high-pressure job of 23 years because my body and spirit couldn’t take it anymore. I was burnt out, chronically sick, had chronic back problems, was always tired, multiple food allergies, numbness, and symptoms of MS. And, I was doing all the right things. I ate well and worked out all the time.
I started my healing journey through adjusting my diet and taking supplements with the guidance of a holistic healthcare practitioner. This was a great start. After a few years, I was feeling better, my energy was coming back, but I wasn’t “there” yet. I started my yoga journey and became a certified teacher. Yet, I knew there was more work yet to be done. I just didn't know what until I had a significant health scare.
I had a breast cancer scare one year after my own mother died of the disease. Fortunately, I had just begun my healing energy work with Reiki and SRT shortly before this news. I was 46 with two kids at home and worried they would grow up without me. Thankfully, the scare turned out not to be a tumor. I believe it to be negative energy picked up on a sensitive MRI scan, a subconscious way of holding onto my mother. I was able to remove the “spot” through Reiki and crystals. When I returned to have the surgical biopsy done (it was quite a process for this biopsy due to its location), the MRI showed the spot was completely gone. Scratching their heads, the doctors sent me home. I never had the surgery. They stated that less than perhaps 1% of these procedures turn out this way. That was almost 10 years ago. I’ve been hooked on energy work ever since.
A few years back, I was teaching yoga and very dedicated to the practice. My sensitive back started to “go out” a lot more than normal and pretty soon, I had a hard time picking up stuff off the ground! I went from working out every day to only being able to shuffle from the bedroom, office, kitchen, and back most days. Getting in and out of the car was even painful. Bending over was out of the question. I wondered if this was my future at a fairly young age. All my scans indicated that my spine was great condition, even younger than my chronological age. I explained to my pain doc the type of energetic treatments I had been receiving. He said that often those are better and to keep doing what I was doing.
To help myself, I’ve also done a ton of chiropractic (weekly), light therapy, massage, Chinese medicine, traditional medicine, supplements, brain-spotting, even acupuncture, but nothing had any lasting results more than a few days. Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy, and Spiritual Re-structuring have been the primary therapies that have helped my back long term, now at about 80 percent strength and improving all the time. The negative energies that were cleared through especially SRT/SpR got me moving again. And, I'm more aware of my beliefs, negative thought patterns, and other energies and how to change them so they don't cause more mental and physical pain. This includes the complete elimination of foot pain which prevented me from exercising and walking over the years.
I morned hard the loss of my own personal yoga practice and mobility as I knew it for over 2 years due to chronic back pain. However, while I was healing and receiving energy work treatments, I was also studying these amazing and effective healing methods. This lead me to work directly with a local Reiki master and earn my Usui Reiki Master Teacher certification. I also went on to earn my SRT practitioner credentials. In addition, I've studied Medical Intuition Healing with a national expert (Tina Zion) who helped tweak and refine my natural ability to see pain/illness inside people's bodies.
I studied these healing methods hard because my own healing depended on it, primarily if not exclusively focusing on the back pain. I felt I had no other choice besides living on pain medication and resigning myself to the situation. The energy work methods rescued me! Plus, there have been so many other fantastic benefits!
My food allergies also are resolved, allowing me to eat a far wider range of foods than I could before the energy healing. Win!
I am robustly healthy! In the past, I would suffer LONG bouts of bronchitis and respiratory illness during the winter, which would often require a round or two of antibiotics. I do no longer! I am rarely ill.
And recently, I saw myself and my family through my husband's stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis and subsequent death. While this is a painful journey full of emotions and situations you can't always imagine, we are thriving. I owe so much to energy work in preparing all of us for this challenge. My husband, Mike, would be most proud.
Overall, I’m just a better, happier person, with more energy and more zest for life! And I owe much of my good health to this energy work journey.
I wish the same amazing healing for you.
My own crazy, crooked path to healing my body, mind, and spirit took me through these therapies: Yoga, Reiki, and ultimately Spiritual Response Therapy/Spiritual Restructuring (SRT/SpR).
Chronic back pain, allergies, plantar fasciitis, anxiety, migraines, dry skin, teenager issues, and more were all made better or eliminated through these therapies, especially my work with SRT/SpR which I and my clients find to be extremely effective.
I walk, the walk.
It all began when I left my high-pressure job of 23 years because my body and spirit couldn’t take it anymore. I was burnt out, chronically sick, had chronic back problems, was always tired, multiple food allergies, numbness, and symptoms of MS. And, I was doing all the right things. I ate well and worked out all the time.
I started my healing journey through adjusting my diet and taking supplements with the guidance of a holistic healthcare practitioner. This was a great start. After a few years, I was feeling better, my energy was coming back, but I wasn’t “there” yet. I started my yoga journey and became a certified teacher. Yet, I knew there was more work yet to be done. I just didn't know what until I had a significant health scare.
I had a breast cancer scare one year after my own mother died of the disease. Fortunately, I had just begun my healing energy work with Reiki and SRT shortly before this news. I was 46 with two kids at home and worried they would grow up without me. Thankfully, the scare turned out not to be a tumor. I believe it to be negative energy picked up on a sensitive MRI scan, a subconscious way of holding onto my mother. I was able to remove the “spot” through Reiki and crystals. When I returned to have the surgical biopsy done (it was quite a process for this biopsy due to its location), the MRI showed the spot was completely gone. Scratching their heads, the doctors sent me home. I never had the surgery. They stated that less than perhaps 1% of these procedures turn out this way. That was almost 10 years ago. I’ve been hooked on energy work ever since.
A few years back, I was teaching yoga and very dedicated to the practice. My sensitive back started to “go out” a lot more than normal and pretty soon, I had a hard time picking up stuff off the ground! I went from working out every day to only being able to shuffle from the bedroom, office, kitchen, and back most days. Getting in and out of the car was even painful. Bending over was out of the question. I wondered if this was my future at a fairly young age. All my scans indicated that my spine was great condition, even younger than my chronological age. I explained to my pain doc the type of energetic treatments I had been receiving. He said that often those are better and to keep doing what I was doing.
To help myself, I’ve also done a ton of chiropractic (weekly), light therapy, massage, Chinese medicine, traditional medicine, supplements, brain-spotting, even acupuncture, but nothing had any lasting results more than a few days. Reiki, Spiritual Response Therapy, and Spiritual Re-structuring have been the primary therapies that have helped my back long term, now at about 80 percent strength and improving all the time. The negative energies that were cleared through especially SRT/SpR got me moving again. And, I'm more aware of my beliefs, negative thought patterns, and other energies and how to change them so they don't cause more mental and physical pain. This includes the complete elimination of foot pain which prevented me from exercising and walking over the years.
I morned hard the loss of my own personal yoga practice and mobility as I knew it for over 2 years due to chronic back pain. However, while I was healing and receiving energy work treatments, I was also studying these amazing and effective healing methods. This lead me to work directly with a local Reiki master and earn my Usui Reiki Master Teacher certification. I also went on to earn my SRT practitioner credentials. In addition, I've studied Medical Intuition Healing with a national expert (Tina Zion) who helped tweak and refine my natural ability to see pain/illness inside people's bodies.
I studied these healing methods hard because my own healing depended on it, primarily if not exclusively focusing on the back pain. I felt I had no other choice besides living on pain medication and resigning myself to the situation. The energy work methods rescued me! Plus, there have been so many other fantastic benefits!
My food allergies also are resolved, allowing me to eat a far wider range of foods than I could before the energy healing. Win!
I am robustly healthy! In the past, I would suffer LONG bouts of bronchitis and respiratory illness during the winter, which would often require a round or two of antibiotics. I do no longer! I am rarely ill.
And recently, I saw myself and my family through my husband's stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis and subsequent death. While this is a painful journey full of emotions and situations you can't always imagine, we are thriving. I owe so much to energy work in preparing all of us for this challenge. My husband, Mike, would be most proud.
Overall, I’m just a better, happier person, with more energy and more zest for life! And I owe much of my good health to this energy work journey.
I wish the same amazing healing for you.